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There was once a time when straightening your teeth meant wearing metal brackets and wires. If your smile is front-and-center at your job, or you’re an image-conscious teen or parent, then you’ll be happy to know that’s no longer the case. Now, you can address mild to moderate cases of malocclusion with clear, virtually invisible aligners! If you’d like to find out if you’re a candidate for Invisalign, then schedule a consultation with our Commack dental team. You can also continue your research on this discreet orthodontic treatment by reading on!
The very first step is scheduling a consultation with Dr. Silfa. That way, he can take a look at your teeth and bite, assess the complexity of your case, and determine if you’re a candidate. If you are, then he will create your custom treatment plan, take impressions of your teeth, and order a series of aligners from the Invisalign lab.
Once your aligners arrive at our office, we will show you how to take them on and off as well as how to take care of them. You’ll need to wear each set for 20+ hours a day and switch to the next ones in the progression on the correct day. Every six weeks or so, you’ll meet with Dr. Silfa so he can monitor the movement of your teeth and, if needed, make adjustments to your treatment plan.
Fortunately, Invisalign can help patients with mild to moderate cases of the following orthodontic problems:
If there isn’t enough room in your mouth for your teeth to sit in their perfectly aligned positions, they will instead crowd together or rotate. Unfortunately, this allows plaque, food particles, and other debris to harbor in the unique crevices, which increases your risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. For that reason, we recommend exploring your orthodontic treatment options; Invisalign isn’t just a cosmetic treatment.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, some patients have too much space in their mouth. As a result, there is a noticeable gap between their two front teeth or, in some cases, several small gaps throughout their mouth. Since this orthodontic problem can take a toll on several aspects of your smile, including its appearance, you should schedule a consultation with us to find out if you’re a candidate for Invisalign!
If your bite isn’t aligned, then you could experience chronic jaw pain, trouble enunciating clearly, difficulty chewing properly, and low self-esteem. Luckily, Invisalign can correct common bite problems as well, including overbites, underbites, and crossbites.
If you’re still on the fence regarding whether or not Invisalign is the right orthodontic treatment for you, then you might find it helpful to hear some of the reasons other patients have chosen clear aligners! Here are a few:
In order to provide you with an estimate of the cost of your Invisalign treatment, we need to learn about your case. How severe is your misalignment? Do we need to straighten both arches of your teeth? How many aligners are needed? How often will you switch trays? Which type of retainer is needed to preserve your results? The answers to questions like these will help us create your custom treatment plan and, in turn, provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost.