Root Canal Treatment – Commack, NY

We’ll Eliminate the Pain & Save Your Tooth

Root canal treatment is often believed to be a painful procedure, but this is simply not true. Dr. Silfa and our team are here to dispel this myth by stating that it is a beneficial and necessary procedure designed to eliminate pain, remove the infection, and save teeth from extraction. Call us today to learn more about root canal treatment in Commack.

Hands holding a model of a tooth showing the layers inside of it

Why Choose Silfa Dental for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Sedation Dentistry Available
  • Same-Day, After-Hour, and Weekend Appointments
  • In-House Loyalty Membership

What Happens During a Root Canal?

Hands holding a clear model of a tooth

Once anesthesia is administered, and the tooth is isolated, Dr. Silfa will make a small opening in the crown of the tooth before clearing the structure and nearby canals. After removing the pulp and sanitizing the tooth, it will be filled with gutta-percha to create a tight seal before a custom-made dental crown is placed over the top.