Teeth Whitening Commack

Whiter Teeth, Brighter Smile

smiling man in front of a yellow background

Do you enjoy your morning cup of coffee or an occasional glass of red wine? These and other foods and beverages contain deep pigment that can seep into teeth’s enamel over time, making your smile appear dull or yellow. Fortunately, Dr. Silfa offers professional-grade whitening that can brighten your teeth by as many as 10 shades! If you are interested in teeth whitening, contact our team to schedule an appointment!

Why Choose Silfa Dental Aesthetics for Teeth Whitening?

  • Both In-Office and At-Home Solutions Offered
  • Advanced Training in Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Professional-Grade Whitening Results

Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

happy woman pointing to her smile

Unlike some other dental procedures that can have extensive requirements you have to meet, teeth whitening has just one—you need to have healthy teeth and gums. As long as you don’t have cavities or an oral infection, you should be able to move forward with teeth whitening.

However, if you have tried whitening in the past with little success, your discoloration may not respond to this specific treatment. In this case, you may wish to consider veneers, which can cover discolored teeth with realistic-looking porcelain.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

smiling woman sitting in a dentist’s chair

Regardless of the method of teeth whitening you choose, the active ingredient is usually either carbamide or hydrogen peroxide. Even in store-bought solutions, these bleaching agents are used, just in a much smaller concentration. Professional whitening, both take-home and in-office treatment, has a higher amount of active ingredients, giving you more brightening power.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

If you like the convenience of store-bought whitening to do on your own, we offer Opalescence, Kör, and Zoom Whitening you can do in the comfort of home. With these brands, you receive custom trays, which ensure an even coating, and wear them for a certain amount of time every day. Although you may start to see the solution work after just a couple of days, you need to complete the whole two weeks to see full results.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Compared to other options, in-office whitening is by far the most powerful and fast-acting. With Kör and Zoom Whitening, treatment can be completed in about an hour. We apply the strong solution to the teeth and direct a special light on them to bleach stains away. This process may be repeated a couple of times to reach final whiteness. Although in-office whitening is not supposed to cause sensitivity, fluoride treatment is available afterward to minimize this potential side effect.

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

friends eating healthy foods together

After brightening your smile, you may wish it could last forever. However, staining foods and drinks can affect your teeth again over time. As a result, if you want to retain your white results, you should restrict discoloring drinks and foods in your diet. You can also consider using a straw when you do consume dark-colored beverages. You should also sip water while you eat to help rinse away remnants of pigment from your teeth.